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Commands - General

Permissions Check!

Make sure Statbot has the following permissions to be able to respond to commands:

  • Attach Files Embed Links — Responding to commands. (Both /slash and s?prefix.)
  • Send Messages Read Message History — Responding to s?prefix commands.


These are commands that don't directly involve managing server settings or viewing stats.

/helpOpen Statbot's Help Menu./help
/commandsOpen Statbot's Commands Menu./commands
/guideOpen Statbot's Guide./guide
/privacyOpen Statbot's User Privacy Menu./privacy


Statbot takes a different approach to menus—it's Flow-Driven Design is meant to get you from anywhere to anywhere. The Help Menu is the central hub in this process that you'll find yourself frequently coming back to. Commands can now be found under /commands (accessible from /help's navigation menu).


See a list of Statbot's top-level commands. In the future you will be able to view more information about commands and even launch them from this menu!


Get a crash course on all things Statbot. The Guide is highly recommended for everyone using Statbot. It covers all of the basics and exposes you to very powerful tools and concepts that may be hard to find on your own.


User Privacy let's users anonymize their stats within Statbot's systems. Turning this on will retroactively and permanently scrubs your ID from activity, message, and voice data, making them untraceable back to you. Keep in mind that this prevents Statbot from accurately determining your activity for features such as Statroles.

User Privacy Prompt
privacy command prompt
/privacy prompt