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Statdocks - Counters

Feeling Lost?

Some Counters like Date & Time can be a little tricky, but we're here to help! If you're ever confused or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our amazing support team!

What are Counters?

Counters are the values that you configure to show in your Statdock's Channel Text. There is a huge variety of different stats you can display in your server—more than you'll find in any other bot!

Below is a quick list of the available Counters and the stats / data they display.

ChannelsCount of channels in the server.
Countdown / Timer*Countdown to a specific date and time.
Date & TimeDate and/or time.
MembersCount of members in the server.
Members with StatusCount of members with specific Discord statuses.
Members in RoleCount of members in roles (also with statuses).
RolesCount of roles in the server.
VoiceCount of members in voice channels.
Stat CountSum of Statbot stats.
Stat AverageAverage of Statbot stats over time.
Stat ChangeChange of Statbot stats from one period to the next.
Stat TopTop member or channel using Statbot stats.
Reddit Subscriber CountSubscriber count of a public subreddit.
YouTube Subscriber CountSubscriber count of a YouTube channel.
Instagram Follower CountFollower count of an Instagram channel.
Activity Members(Disabled) Members interaction with an application.
Activity Type Members(Disabled) Members with a certain status.

* This is different than the Countdown / Goal options available to most Counters.


Get the Statdocks+ Upgrade to unlock all of the Conditions and more!

Under Construction

The Activity Members and Activity Type Members Counters are temporarily disabled.


Here are all of the Counters and their options. Because you cannot set options for Presets, this section will assume that you are creating a Counter through the the Website Editor Builder menu, or the /counter Advanced menu.


Set Name in the /counter Advanced menu is equivalent to setting the Channel Text in the Website Editor.


The Countdown / Goal option is only available in the Web Editor.


Count of channels in the server. The options are identical for both web and bot.


  • Channel Type — Any combination of Text, Voice, and Category.
  • Countdown / Goal

Countdown / Timer

A countdown to a specific date and time. Not the same as Countdown From / Goal.

  • End Date
  • Include (aka: Interval Text)
  • End Text (optional)

The Website Editor displays a Preview of what the counter's text will be.

End Date

Use the date picker to select the date and time to countdown towards.

Interval Text

Set the text proceeding each interval of Day, Hour, and Minute. Must select at least one. Only the selected intervals appear as the Counter text. If higher intervals are not selected, the lower will increase to reflect the correct value.

End Text

Text to show when the countdown is complete.


When a Countdown / Timer Counter ends, the End Text will replace the entire Channel Text. "Countdown Complete!" is the default if you don't specify your own End text.

Date & Time

Displays the current Date and/or Time.

  • Format
  • Timezone Offset


The datetime format. You can insert your own custom format following the dayjs + dayjs advanced docs. (In the Website Editor, you'll need to select "Show Advanced".)

The Website Editor has a Preview to check and experiment with the format you're using.

Timezone Offset

The timezone offset to apply to the Counter (from UTC / GMT+0).

For example, Eastern Standard Time (EST) is GMT-4, so the value for Timezone Offset would be -4:00.


Does not automatically adjust for Daylight Savings Time.


Count of members in the server. The options are identical for both web and bot.



Statbot sometimes has trouble detecting http-only bots. These bots do not have a status and therefore are difficult to detect using conventional means. This means that they are likely to appear as "Offline Users" until a reliable way of detection is built.

Members with Status

Count of members with specific Discord statuses. The options are identical for both web and bot.


  • Statuses — Any combination of Online, DnD, Idle, and Offline.
  • Countdown / Goal

Statbot sometimes has trouble detecting http-only bots. These bots do not have a status and therefore are difficult to detect using conventional means. This means that they are likely to appear as "Offline Users" until a reliable way of detection is built.

Members in Role

Count of members in roles. Can also specify statuses. The options are identical for both web and bot.


  • Roles — The roles of members to count. Any member who has at least one of the roles in the list will be counted.
  • Statuses — Any combination of Online, DnD, Idle, and Offline.
  • Countdown / Goal


Count of roles in the server. The options are identical for both web and bot.


  • Role Type — Select Unmanaged (regular roles) and/or Managed (Integrations).
  • Countdown / Goal


Count of members in voice channels. Can "Whitelist" / "Blacklist" channels or leave blank for all channels.



What channels to include when counter members in voice. Leave empty to include all channels. The options are identical for both web and bot.

Choose between Whitelist or Blacklist

  • Whitelist — Only include these channels.
  • Blacklist — Do not include these channels (Will use all others.)

Premium Counters


The Frequency of Statdocks with Premium Counters is restricted to 1 Hour at the fastest.

  • Stat Count — Sum of Statbot stats.
  • Stat Average — Average of Statbot stats over time.
  • Stat Change — Change of Statbot stats from one time period to the next.
  • Stat Top — Top member or channel determined with Statbot stats.
  • Reddit Subscriber Count — Subscriber count of a public Subreddit.
  • YouTube Subscriber Count — Subscriber count of a YouTube channel.
  • Instagram Follower Count — Follower count of an Instagram account.

YouTube Subscriber Count is rounded to, at most, 3 significant digits (e.g. 100k). This is a limitation of YouTube itself.

Countdown From / Goal

Countdown From / Goal is a special option that most Counters have. Leaving this field blank will show its count as normal. Setting a Countdown From / Goal will subtract the count from that value. This allows you to have value-based countdowns to milestones.

Example: If Countdown From / Goal is 10 and there are 8 users in the server, the number shown for the Counter will be 2. (i.e. 2 users away from 10)