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Settings - Stats

Permissions Check!

Make sure Statbot has the following permissions for the stat-related features:

  • View Channel — Tracking stats. Generally not an issue unless you have this turned off by default.
  • Attach Files Embed Links — Responding to commands. (Both /slash and s?prefix.)
  • Send Messages Read Message History — Responding to s?prefix commands.


Settings that control time-related aspects of displaying stats.


These settings do NOT affect Statroles or Statdocks. Those features have their own time-based settings.


Determines the default start time of stats shown on the dashboard and bot commands.

There are 3 modes:

  • Days — Show stats this number of days back "now" (the time the dashboard loads or bot command is ran).
  • Date — Show stats starting from a specific date.* Graphs and commands will be blank if this date is in the future.
  • All — Show all of a server's stats.* (Equivalent to a very high Days; or Date set to before Statbot joined the server.)
  • Days set to 10
    - On January 20th, stats will start from 10 days ago ( January 10th )
  • Date set to January 1st, 2020
    - Stats will start from January 1st, 2020
  • All - All the server's history will be displayed*

Note: Graphs may round to show full data points. Top tables and other stats will round by an hour at most.


You can often dynamically change this initially loading stats via Dashboard Filters and Command Actions.


The History Upgrade is required to access stats older than 30 days. When setting Date or All, stats will be limited to 30 days.

Interval (Precision)

The default "Interval" time setting for Dashboard Filters and commands. Can be set to Hour or Day.

Time Units

The default displayed time unit of Voice and Activity data for Dashboard Filters and commands. Can be set to Minutes, Hours, or Days.


The timezone that the server's stats will show in. This affects all stats and is the only view-related option that cannot be changed dynamically.


Though this setting cannot be dynamically change like the others, changing it won't have any negative effect on stats.


Settings that control what data is shown based on lists of allowed or denied values.


These settings are visual only. You can think of them as "hiding" data. They do not change the tracking behavior of the bot. They do not affect Statroles or Statdocks.


Control what Activities (games, applications) appear in stats on the dashboard and bot commands. This can help you view only Activities that your community is interested. Leave empty to include all activities.

Choose between Whitelist or Blacklist

  • Whitelist — Only these activities will be included in graphs and commands.
  • Blacklist — These activities won't be included in graphs and commands.

You will need to have Activity Tracking turned on to track activities in your server.

Bots & Users

Which members will appear in stats on the dashboard and bot commands.

  • Users — Human users.
  • Bots — Non-human users.


Control what channels appear in stats on the dashboard and bot commands. Deleted channels will retain the category they were last in unless manually changed. Leave empty to include all channels.

Choose between Whitelist or Blacklist

  • Whitelist — Only these channels will be included in graphs and commands.
  • Blacklist — These channels won't be included in graphs and commands. (Will use all others.)

Member Blacklist

Remove members from dashboard and bot commands stats. Useful for filtering out spammers.

Leave empty to include all members.


You can see individual member stats with the Drilldowns Upgrade!


Control what members appear in stats on the dashboard and bot commands based on roles they have.

Whitelist — Members must have at least one of the roles in this list.

Blacklist — Members must not have any of the roles in this list.


This setting retroactively changes stats as members are given and remove from roles. It also implicitly filters out members who are not in the server because there are no roles to check. Expect historic values to change.

Voice States

Voice states that will appear in stats on the dashboard and bot commands.

  • AFK — Member is in the AFK channel set in the server's Discord settings.
  • Server-Deaf — Member has been deafened by someone with the Deafen Members Discord permission.
  • Self-Deaf — Member has deafened themselves.
  • Server-Mute — Member has been muted by someone with the Mute Members Discord permission.
  • Self-Mute — Member has muted themselves.
  • Normal — None of the above.

Only one state will be assigned to a member's voice activity even if they are multiple. The order of the list above is the order of priority the bot uses when logging.

Example: A member who is both AFK and Self-Mute will be logged as AFK.


A member without a functioning mic will have the same symbol as someone who is muted (crossed-off microphone). This does NOT count as being Self-Mute or Server-Mute. Muted only occurs when the actual setting in Discord is used.


Settings that control the tracking of the bot.


If you don't want the bot to track specific channels, deny the bot the View Channel Discord permission on those channels.

Also make sure that the bot doesn't have Administrator.

Activity Tracking


The Data+ Upgrade is required to use this setting.

Control if the bot is tracking activities (games, applications, etc.) for this server. When enabled, Statbot will track all the Activities in the list shown on the Dashboard.

If you don't see the activity you want in the list, run the /info activity command on a member while they are interacting with that activity, copy the output, and paste it in the #🎮-activity-requests channel in the Statbot support server.

Verify Activities

Validate activities whenever possible. Prevents users from spoofing via renaming applications, though can sometimes cause problems when users are using unofficial or unsupported clients.

This setting affects Activity Tracking and Statroles with Activity Conditions.


Only activities that Discord has assigned an ID can be validated in this way. Take care when assigning Statroles or using other features with these activities.

Data Management

Data Management is an advanced topic that you can read about here.